When you are not permitted to drill holes in concrete tilt-wall structures or drill into the beams at the ceiling, we give you an option with an Indoor Camera Mounting Solutions: three Cam Blox sizes and three ways to install depending on the type of ceiling or wall.
They are available in 3 different sizes to accommodate a single dome, panoramic or bullet-style camera, or larger widths to accommodate multiple cameras. 8x8x3 inches Single Wide Width, 8x8x12 inches Double Wide Width, 8x8x16 Triple Wide Width. Two-color options black or white. The Cam Blox not only provides a quick way to mount any cameras, but the aluminum boxes are thin enough to make drilling mounting and access holes super fast. With a 3-inch opening at both ends, this will create a handy junction box for wiring and house extenders, injectors, or other devices. The end caps that are included are easy to put on or take off.
Option on hanging the Cam Blox for beams at the ceiling, the Beam Clamp Type uses a 14-inch long section of Strong Strut and 2 Beam clamps to accommodate any beam up to 11-inches wide. The second option is for pipe or conduit. The Pipe or Conduit Clamp allows you to utilize any pipe or tube in the facility, between 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 inches outside diameter. The third option is the Pendant Mount that attaches to any of our 1-1/2 inch pipe sections or onto any 1-1/2 inch threaded accessory and has twin set screws to keep the box oriented correctly and tight.
For more information on the Indoor Camera Mounting Solutions, contact one of our Sales Engineers toll-free at 844-669-3537 or stop by our website at strongpoles.com.